Activate Your Health

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Crohns like Symptoms helped with Chiropractic?! Ask this young patient!

A lot of  times when I'm out in the public, people always say the same thing... "Its not a Chiropractic problem..." Well, they couldn't be anymore false with that statement! Before you get up in arms, allow me to explain.
The first Chiropractic adjustment back in 1895 (the ancient Greeks and Chinese were doing similar styles way back in history!) was performed on an individual who was deaf. After his adjustment, his hearing returned, he didn't have neck pain or back pain or even migraines, he was deaf! All organs, blood vessels, tissues, muscles, ect are controlled by nerves. If the root of the nerve is pinched (where it comes out of the spine) all associated areas where that nerve goes to are inhibited as well! So, that stomach issue or bladder issue you have been having is a Chiropractic problem and the nerves that control it need to be addressed. 

Recently, I was given a new challenge... a 14yo female with severe GI pain (5-7/10 in pain) 30min to an hour after she eats. Medication helped dull the pain but never corrected it, she also had been through multiple tests (Upper GI, Lower GI, Colonoscopy, and Endoscopy). All tests results were within normal limits showing no abnormality...

 During the examination, patient presented with multiple spinal misalignments resulting in pinched nerves (never complained of back pain....) levels C1, C3, T5, L1, L5, and Sacrum. Patient also had severe tenderness in the stomach region right below her left anterior rib cage (costal arch) and the lower right area of her abdomen near the Ilieocecal Valve (Where the small intestine becomes the large intestine). We also performed a Kinesiology food sensitivity testing which led us to a Soy sensitivity.

I adjusted the child using a gentle adjusting instrument called the Impluse Adjusting device and also did some manual Gonstead adjusting in the Thoracic region. The patient presented as a Category I in SOT analysis, so she was placed on pelvic blocks first, during which, we discovered an occipital fiber 3 line 2, meaning the nerves going to the stomach and ilieocecal valve where not functioning properly. 
After her spinal adjustment I performed CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique, aka organ adjusting) on her stomach and ilieocecal valve and advised the patient to ice the areas I adjusted for 10min after her adjustment.

On the patient's second adjustment, she reported that her pain following eating went from a 5-7/10 down to a 2/10 immediately after the adjustment. If she avoids products with Soy, she has no pain after eating. This is a huge change for this young girl and now its been 4 adjustments and she is already on a maintenance program to maintain her great state of health!

There is hope, Hope is not lost, The right help may have not been found yet! Keep your mind open and your spine inline and let the powers that created you heal you!

In health and Chiropractic,
-Dr. Matt Meccia

We are continuing out battle against Crohn's Disease, Colitis, and Other GI problems, one person at a time till we reach the millions! Having Crohn's myself for over 17 years is my drive, my motivation to help you and your loved one!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Welcome, by reading this post, you must be concerned about the flu?! Well fear not, I will provide awesome steps to help YOU and your family!

According to the CDC, in the good old US of A, 5-20% of the population will contract the flu...wait... That doesn't seem like a lot.. Well, of that 5-20% only 200,000 are hospitalized (typically the immune suppressed and elderly). But Doc, what exactly is the flu? I'm glad you asked, the flu (or Influenza) is an opportunistic VIRUS, meaning when the immune system is weakened this virus takes effect and creates a sickness and symptoms. 

Well how do we prevent this? Before we discuss on how to prevent, lets take a few moments and discuss how our body works (Now stay awake, this is the good stuff!).
Our bodies were born with this innate intelligence, to heal when cut, to cure when diseased, to activate the heart to stay alive, ect. Part of this innate intelligence was the ability to develop an IMMUNE SYSTEM, which consists of different white blood cells whose purpose is to seek out and destroy bacteria/viruses/parasites/fungus/bad cells. Now, this immune system starts to develop when your still womb, and IgG (immune cells) are passed from the mom's breast milk to the baby when nursing (IgG mom thanks).
As we are exposed to different pathologies (bacteria, virus, ect) our body develops anti-bodies which are markers to help the immune system identify and neutralize the foreign object. When dealing with germs (bacteria, virus, ect.) and getting sick there are different theories out there but I can tell you this, YOU DON'T FALL ON A GERM AND GET SICK!!! Otherwise we would all be dead by now, cause we would be over loaded with germs and out immune system would be killed off. 

So, how do we get sick then if our immune system is suppose to keep us well?! Easy answer is, different factors suppress the immune system allowing opportunistic germs to get in. Lets talk about factors that suppress our immune system.
1. Stress: This will make or break you! With stress, our cortisol levels increase, decreasing our good prostaglandins which help support immune function.
2. Poor Sleep: Sleep is natures battery charger, we require it live, but in terms of immune, T-cell are reduced when sleep is reduced. T-cells help fight off diseases and boost the immune system
3. Bad Diet: We all know the saying, "You are what you eat"! Foods that are processed and/or are high in sugar create inflammation in the body which also decreases the immune system.
4. Pinched Spinal Nerves: Nerves control every function in your body, so it only makes sense that when they are pinched, it makes the organ or tissue going to them not function to 100% ability. Only a Chiropractor has the ability to correct pinched nerves.
5. Seasonal Changes: Believe it or not but the change in temperature can lower your immune system. This is known as a physiologic stress and increase the blood concentration of adrenocortical steroids which in turn suppresses the immune system.

Now lets talk about some remedies that can boost up the immune system or help fight off the flu NATURALLY!
1. L-Lysine: This great product is an Amino Acid (the basic building block of life), and when taken at the appropriate dosage can slow/stop the virus from replicating allowing your body to attack the virus. During flu season I usually take between 500-1000mg (depending how many people around me might possibly have it) and when getting the symptoms of the Flu I increase it to 1000mg 3X/Day.
2. Colloidal Silver: this is a great product that I use for most of my illness involving germs. Silver has been used for decades to help fight against microbial infections. The nanoparticles of Silver help protect the T-Cells and combat the viruses from attacking them.
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3. GET ADJUSTED!: Getting adjusted isn't just for fixing pain! It restores life back to the body, and allows the body to do what it does best, heal its self and function in the way that it was meant to! See a Chiropractor and get your self realigned!
4. Olive Leaf Extract: Did you know it was the first Botanical mentioned in the Bible? It's healing properties are amazing for combating against germs. Here, Read This: (
5. Oscillococcinum: This product is great to take when you contract the flu. If you start taking this wonderful homeopathic when you first get signs of the symptoms it will help it run its course faster! ( Whole foods has a 365 version of it called Flu Ease.

Well folks, there are great alternatives to not having to get the vaccine, I'm not going to tell you not to or to get it, but get educated first. I myself dont need the vaccine cause I follow everything above and i have been Flu/Swine Flu free for years, even when ive been in contact with people who were deathly ill. Im going to leave you with one note and I want you to truly think about this. Drugs companies are a business, if they make a certain number (135 million flu vaccines produced for this year, with 313 million people in the USA) of a product, they need to sell a certain number of that product, in order to reach their profit margins. 

In Health and Chiropractic,
 Dr. Matt Meccia

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bloodless Surgery....WHAT?!?!

What is this nonsense, what are you talking about Doc?  You tell me that there is a way to help my organs without cutting them out or medicating them?! YOUR CRAZY!!! or are you a GENIUS?!

We as a population are modeled to believe that without a drug or surgery, we can not heal! Well that is not true at all!! The body destroys and repairs its cells all the time (cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, in a sense we have new organs after *Blank* amount of days).  We run into issues with repair when we have an interference not allowing the repair. Now, you have heard me lecture about Chiropractic and how nerves become blocked and do not allow the healing process, but what it the issue is in the viscera (organs) and not the spine?!

Phew...that was a long intro!

Well, let me introduce to you Bloodless Surgery also know as CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique). This Technique was developed by a Chiropractor who was also a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and a Chiropractic Radiologist. His name is Dr. Major DeJarnette and he published his first work on this topic in 1939, "Technic and Practice of Bloodless Surgery". He later developed his master piece know as SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique), in which he included the CMRT protocol into and today, even though not so popular there are few chiropractors globally that practice it, one being yours truly here in Roswell, GA.

Did I lose you Yet?! Keep up, were getting to the good stuff!

I have been utilizing this technique on my patients for years, helping them with everything from Acid Reflux to Amenorrhea. I typically run into theses issues when patient come to me with viscerosomatic (pain from an organ to the muscle) problems and they have already gone through the medical route with little to no results or are just tired of being on medication. I currently have 3 different CMRT cases under my care right now since I typically do not advertise it and since Insurance does not reimburse for it, but I love to do it and love seeing the wow factor of the patients when they see the amazing results!

Case 1: Doctors believed young female patient had Ovarian Cysts when having lower right Abdominal pain.
-This particular patient had been to multiple doctors, had a variety of tests all coming back inconclusive as to what was causing this extreme pain. During my CMRT examination I located an Occipital Fiber 3 with a Line 2 issue (in other words an issue with her iliocecal valve or when the small intestine connects to the large intestine). So, I performed the CMRT procedure for the Iliocecal valve which ended up being VERY painful for the patient due to inflammation that had been developing there. I gave the patient instructions to ice the injured area to eat a diet of soft easy to digest foods, and recommended taking 1000mg of L-Glutamine 3X/Day and Probiotics.  I then had the patient follow up the following week.
-The next week, the pains decreased to a MUCH more tolerable level 2/10 as before were a 10/10 and if flared up much less < 3 times were it was happening multiple times daily. We once again performed the same CMRT procedure after her adjustment. The patient now is extremely happy and is practically symptom free.

Case 2: Patient presents with Amenorrhea (absent menstrual cycle) for over a YEAR!
-Patient went through the medical routine with little results unless she did hormone replacement, which she no longer wanted to do due to fear of side effects. She also had a surgery where (as she described) they scraped the Fallopian Tubes to widen them because they may have been to narrow not allowing her period to occur.
-Upon CMRT examination I discovered a Occipital fiber 5 line 2 indicating Gonadal (Ovaries). I then proceeded to perform the treatment with little to no discomfort. Following the adjustment, I gave the patient a product call Standard Process Ovex and a dose of 2 tablets 2X/Day.
-The patient returned the following week with no change. We then performed the same treatment with the same indications.  Following this treatment, the patient mentioned that she left the office with a minor lower back ache. Later that evening the patient messaged and informed me the lower back ache disappeared with the appearance of her cycle. Since then, she has had a normal cycle each month.

CMRT may not be a answer for everything or even work in all cases, but just like Chiropractic, it gives the body a fighting chance to restore harmony and balance. As stated by the Developer of Chiropractic:
"The fundamental cause of all dis-ease lies between the Innate Intelligence and the body; in the interference to the normal and natural quantity efferent flow between Innate Intelligence and the body; in the interference to the normal and natural quantity afferent flow from body to Innate Intelligence. This interference between can make either sick." B.J. Palmer Vol. 22 1949

I leave you with this thought (another quote from Palmer), Do you have more faith in a spoon full of medicine than the innate power that animates the living world?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


    Hello and welcome to my blog!  My name is Dr. Matt and ill be one of the writers/editors of this webpage.  In my many years and 1000's of patients, I have learned information and given important knowledge to help you not just treat health issues, but also PREVENT issues.
 A medical doctor once told me (back when i was getting treated for my Crohns Disease), that it is easier to maintain a state of remission or prevent a flare up than to treat a flare up.  What he didn't tell me is that it is cheaper too!!!!
    The way that our healthcare system is changing and the way our minds are starting to change is that we are moving to more of a state of prevention,  as compared to the old way of "I'm sick, give me a drug or shot".
    If i were tell you that i have the secret to preventing major issues in your health would you listen?  If not...Lets say i were to tell you i knew who was going to rob your house and when they planned on doing it....would you listen then?  WHY???  What makes your material belongings more important than your health...  Without a good quality of life, material objects are just dust collectors.
    In my finishing notes, i am here for you, my purpose is to help you, your family, and your friends.  Don't wait till the injury, sickness, or other problems are bad enough where it takes a long time to reverse.  It's easier to prevent it than to reverse it!
-Dr. Matt